Month: April 2015

I am only going to do this once.

Hey Everyone!

I am only going to do this once.

Do You like reading about my adventures?

Do you enjoy seeing pictures of the places I have gone?

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Do you want the opportunity to win an REI Flash 22 pack in Seattle Mist?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, and haven’t done so already, you should go over to, and like the Facebook Page I have for this blog, and hit the “like” button. Once my page gets to 75 likes I will be giving away an REI Flash 22 pack in Seattle Mist.

Multnomah Falls Hike

Hey Everyone!

Today, one of my friends and I went hiking up to the top of Multnomah Falls. Going up was hard. My legs were on fire pretty much the whole way up to the top. I have been working on getting in shape, and this is a step in the right direction. We had a 627 foot climb spread over about 1.25 miles. It was intense and we took several pit stops on the way up. Going down was so much easier. 


I love going on outdoor adventures even when my muscles are screaming “you are out of shape”. The pain was worth the photos and as kind of a guideline, fitness wise. My friend and I want to go do it again, and see if we can knock it out in about 30 minutes. 

I am working on getting in shape so that hikes like the one I did today become like a stroll through the park. I have accepted the challenge and I welcome it. I am tired of not being able to thoroughly enjoy intense hikes as they are meant to be enjoyed. 

I love the great outdoors, here in Oregon. I love the scenery, and the way the air smells. 

These adventures are so a part of me, and a part of my being. You know when something is so right and a part of who you are? That is what these outdoor adventures are for me.  

Adventures are a lot of work for me, the adventure is only part of it, from there I post pictures, write a blog post, and if I Vlog, I have to edit the footage and upload it. There is a lot of work that goes into it, but I love it. Blogging about and posting pictures from the day is part of the process and I love it. 

Family Beach Trip

Hey Everyone!

Today I switched a day I normally work with my day off, so that I could go to the beach with my parents, as well as my aunt and uncle. I am thankful for the fact that I have a job that as long as work my 40 hours and keep a consistent enough schedule, that switching the day I normally take off with a normal work day to go do something is typically not a problem.

IMG_1011Beings that my aunt and uncle are visiting from Canada, one of the things that is on my aunt’s to do list each time she comes down is to go to the beach. I enjoy going for something to do. We did a little shopping at the outlet mall, and then went to the beach before my mom, aunt and I walked down to Mo’s in Taft. It was a nice walk and was roughly a mile walk along the beach.

We had an early dinner at Mo’s, before heading back to the city. On the way back we stopped by my “home”, and while the parents were having ice cream, I took the car and drove over to my friends house to see them and their kiddo’s. I love the beach, and I go multiple times a year.

This was already the 4th trip that I have made to the coast in about a month and a half. Being at the coast is one of the few places where I really feel at home, and free to be me. I doubt I would ever get tired of the sight of the ocean. I have yet to get tired of seeing Mt. Hood, and I see that so much more often than the ocean. If I get excited about seeing a mountain that has been common place to my everyday life for more than 27 years, and I find the ocean so much more amazing, I doubt I would tire of it. My perspective of it would likely change if I saw it more regularly, but I doubt I would get sick of seeing it.