Silver Falls State Park Hike

Hey Everyone!

Today has been an amazing day. I got to go Hiking at Silver Falls State Park. The little two or three mile hike that I went on, had me stopping every few feet in the steeper inclines. I know I am out of shape, and I am working on getting my endurance up by doing hikes that are challenging, so that in time I can keep getting stronger, and so these hikes become less challenging. The Hike back up to the top from the Lower South Falls was what got me the most.

I was talking with my brother last night, and the subject of Traffic in So. Cal. came up, and how it seems like from Sacramento to San Diego, along I-5, that the cities bleed into each other. I was thinking about that today, as it didn’t take very long to get away from the city, and anything really relating to a city today, and how much I prefer it here, where it rarely gets as hot as it does in So. Cal. and for not as prolonged periods if it does, and that fact that I live so close to a lot of amazing places to hike that are in the country.

My hiking buddy had asked me where I wanted to go today, and I had mentioned Silver Falls because I hadn’t been there in almost seven years, and I have been wanting to go hiking there again, so that is where we went. I love the sound of rushing water, and waterfalls, and hiking. We have quite a few major waterfalls in the area I live in. They are popular hiking spots, and are some of my favorite places. Some of what I love about Silver Falls, is not only the beautiful scenery, but the fact that there is the Lodge, and a couple other buildings that were built during the 1930’s by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), that are mainly original, and the updates and restorations that have taken place have been to preserve the original where possible, and make the necessary improvements as codes have been updated. It still looks and feels (architecturally) like it would have when it was built.

As a kid, there was a several year span where the first camping trip of the year my family would go on, would be to Silver Falls State Park. I enjoyed camping, but I didn’t particularly care for hiking back then. As a kid, there was a lot of stuff I didn’t appreciate like I do now that I am an adult. I liked being outside, and going camping. Those two things carried over, but Hiking became an acquired tasted in the last few years. Part of my greater love for all things outdoors and country came after I had gone to college, and starting figuring things out for myself, and really discovering what I liked. When I found something I liked I kept it up more and more and didn’t let anyone stop me from my adventures.

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